
Hi, welcome to my beauty blog. I am Rachael, and this is my beauty blog Written by Rachael on  12 June 2023, edited: 12 June 2023

AD: Some of my blogs include affiliate links where I get paid when you click through & buy. This doesnt increase the cost you pay. My blogs are my point of view & experience. I dont promote anything I dont like or believe in.

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My photo, hi I'm Rachael

Hi, I'm Rachael.

This is my beauty website where I review lots of different products, from make up, to CBD coffee and vegan moisturiser. I've been using products for over 20 years, so I hope I've gathered some tips and tricks to share, plus I'm always learning so I'll be sharing them too. I have oily-skin, that's acne prone, so join me as I navigate this new age being a millennial!