
Our guestbooks are in Wedding Ideas Mag!

Hi, welcome to my beauty blog. I am Rachael, and this is my beauty blog Written by Rachael on  21 January 2016, edited: 21 January 2016

AD: Some of my blogs include affiliate links where I get paid when you click through & buy. This doesnt increase the cost you pay. My blogs are my point of view & experience. I dont promote anything I dont like or believe in.

So I took the leap of faith and finally got a place in Wedding Ideas Mag! I sent off my design to the graphic designers at WIM, and off they went making it look even better for the magazine.

If you’re getting married, you’ll find tons of exciting stuff on their website and in their mag:

Wedding Ideas Mag logo


• • •

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By Rachael

Hi, I'm Rachael, the owner of this site! I hope you're finding my articles useful. Let me know by email at

I'm a normal 35yo makeup-obsessed gal just trying to find the right products for my oily and acne-prone skin. I'm always on the look-out for new products - I've recently succumb to several from tiktok.

See my articles below!

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My photo, hi I'm Rachael

Hi, I'm Rachael.

This is my beauty website where I review lots of different products, from make up, to CBD coffee and vegan moisturiser. I've been using products for over 20 years, so I hope I've gathered some tips and tricks to share, plus I'm always learning so I'll be sharing them too. I have oily-skin, that's acne prone, so join me as I navigate this new age being a millennial!